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雀仔園社區藝術計劃-藝術著陸雀仔園 2013
Arts Landing Bird Paradise 2013


為了此次項目MUSE-UM 特意為其設計了一套以雀鳥為主題的字體,字體由的「形」「意」「像」構想,突出此區歷史背景同時亦與活動主題相呼應。雀仔園是一個性格鮮明且充滿人情味的老舊社區,亦是保留得較完整的社區。故此我們從此區的日常生活氣息中去捕獲視覺形象的靈感,利用他們本有的顏色我們的設計也因此顯生動并且和諧,因此加深區內外人士對此次活動的印象。

“Art Lands on the Bird Paradise- Community Art Project” is an annual community art project organised by OX Warehouse Macao for a period of six months. Activities included a series of lectures, artists creation, overseas artists creation and handicraft workshops. The event invited sixteen artists and hand making artists participate so that interaction with neighbourhood accidentally to communicated.

For this project, we have introduced a typeface for the bird, and all of that conceived of shape, meaning and reflection, each alphabet has details recalling and reflecting this historical area background and the theme. Horta da Mitra district (Bird Paradise) is an old community with distinctive characteristic and human interest, also here kept a complete community. Therefore, our visual image inspirited by the daily life of this area, using the community its own colour the design looks vivid and harmony, then strengthen people's impression in this event.
年份 Year
客戶 Client
澳門牛房倉庫藝術空間 | OX Warehouse, Macao
項目 Project
主題推廣 | Theme Promo